Oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit
Oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit

This process is more in-depth but installs the most recent version of VirtualBox on Ubuntu. They may work for test environments, but some users need the latest security or functionality patches. Often the default repositories do not have the latest versions of the software.

oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit

Option 2: Installing VirtualBox from Oracle’s Repositories For the moment, if you have any tips, suggestions or questions, feel free to leave a comment below.The Extension Pack enhances VirtualBox by adding USB 2.0 and 3.0 support, remote desktop, and encryption. I’ll also write about using it effectively in another article. I’d also advise installing VirtualBox Guest Additions on Ubuntu or whatever guest system you’re using in your VM to get a better and smoother experience. I hope you were able to use one of these methods to install VirtualBox. That’s not an entirely bad thing, because you may want to keep them safe and use them later or in some other system. Note that this will not remove the virtual machines and the files associated with the operating systems you installed using VirtualBox. You just have to find it in the list of installed applications and click the Remove button.Īnother ways is to use the command line. If you installed it from the Software Center, the easiest way to remove the application is from the Software Center itself. Now that you’ve learned to install VirtualBox, I should also mention the steps for removing it.

oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit

sudo apt update & sudo apt install virtualbox-6.0 Now that you have the correct repository added, refresh the list of packages available through these repositories and install VirtualBox. Note: If you see an add-apt-repository command not found error, you’ll have to install the software-properties-common package.

oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit

If you’ve read my article on checking your Ubuntu version, you probably know that ‘lsb_release -cs’ will print the codename of your Ubuntu system. Now add the Oracle VirtualBox repository to the list of repositories using this command: sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -cs) contrib" Sudo add-apt-repository “deb bionic contrib“ For example, Linux Mint 19 series users should use bionic and Mint 18 series users should use xenial.

oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit

If you’re using Linux Mint or some other distribution based on Ubuntu, replace $(lsb_release -cs) in the command with the Ubuntu version your current version is based on.

Oracle virtualbox download for linux 64 bit